Gone home tvtropes
Gone home tvtropes

gone home tvtropes

He swung a tank and used it like a hammer, smashing it against her head. “You will not have any properties when you are in the ground.” She wondered for a second if that was supposed to be a metaphor about death, like a euphemism he hadn’t quite gotten right. Silver has other unique properties though.” “And iron is harder than silver too or I’d make some joke about you literally being an Iron Cross and then cut you to pieces. “You’re right that steel is harder than silver.” She dodged away as two enormous fists smashed into the ground. “You will regret this.” He strode towards her calling her something she was sure was supposed to be deeply insulting. “I’m sorry it’s just I’ve never seen a vein pop in a person made of metal.” “I’m sorry, were you expecting me to say something or something?” She adjusted her metal hair. She was in no hurry to fight the man and he seemed more concerned with spouting English one liners, or at least trying really hard to spout English one liners. “You think you are strong huh? Silver is not as hard a steel.” Sterling was trying to determine the vaguely Eastern European accent’s exact origins. World's smallest violin andré luciano maxwell oc I do personally know what that’s like and I would never do that to you.” Luciano drove on in silence. “You wouldn’t give me up! Right?” André was actually terrified. “And not that it’s any business of yours, but do you know what it’s like to be the only child in an orphanage with living parents who just didn’t want you, but still made sure you were old enough to remember them and remember that they don’t want you?” That also means no more heroics with your friends.” Luciano paused. If you do it again we will have to start treating you as a danger, because you will be. “I’m being serious…” André sulked as the car got moving again. If you’re done wallowing in self pity now I’ll continue taking you back home.” “Here, let me play the world’s smallest violin for you. He was not going to be that kind of parent. Luciano stopped himself from grabbing his son’s shoulders and shaking sense into him. You don’t know what it’s like to have everyone picking on you like that. I figured he’d grow up to be less of an ass if he got to try again. He shoved me and said ‘what are you going to do? Premonition me to death’? So I premonitioned him to life. He spends all his time trying to undermine me and make fun of me and he keeps demanding I just use my powers on him if I don’t like it and it’s been all year and so fine! I did. He won’t leave me alone, he’s a huge ass. Silence often prompted his son to answer questions that hadn’t been asked yet. “I said I put him back, but it’s not like he deserved it.” André crossed his arms. “What did you say?” Luciano slowed the car, pulled onto the shoulder. He tried again then slipped it back into his pocket. “I put him back, not that he really deserved it.” André was checking something on his phone, but must not have had service. Besides that Victoria would have him killed if he did anything of the sort. He was not going to murder his own child. “You used your power to turn him into a four year old! André there is no excuse for that kind of behaviour.” Luciano drew in breath, exhaled, tried to stay calm. He hadn’t spoken much since Luciano had come to pick him up.

gone home tvtropes

“What was I supposed to do? He hasn’t left me alone all year.” André was resting his head on the window. It made it much less dangerous for him to drive his idiot son home for the holidays. “What happened?” Luciano was glad there was no traffic at this hour of the day.

Gone home tvtropes